Lucy loves anyone that greets her, and enjoys spending time with her family and furry friends! She likes to play fetch in her spare time and her hobbies include playing with other dogs, swimming, and kayaking!

Lucy's Biggest Fears:  Losing her ball, smelling hot coffee, and furry caterpillars!

Fun Facts: Lucy has two older brothers at home, daschunds-Frank and Beans. She has two sisters-Esme and Paisley (Katie's bernedoodle).

 She does not hold her bone in the classic horizontal dog fashion...she carries it around vertically and it is hilarious, it looks like a bone cigar! 

Lucy does "zoomies" when she sees her favorite pet groomer, Amanda!  She loves bath time!

Paisley is our first bernedoodle and she simply makes us laugh every single day. She has no regard for anyone's personal space and believes she should always be snuggled up against her humans or furry sisters.  She likes to play tug of war with our little weiner dogs-Frank and Beans. She loves the water and jumps in our pond for fun!

Paisley's Fun Facts:  She has a tail that whacks like no other.  She gets full body wiggles when she is happy.  She runs fast and loves to follow Esme around in our field searching for anything exciting. 

Paisley loves to sleep on our bed and really has such a kind and gentle soul.  We like to say that she would give anyone the "bandana off her neck".

Esme is a young girl that came to us in March of 2022.   She needed to be rehomed because her owner (Jan) was suffering from a terminal illness.  Esme has entered our family with ease and loves going for walks and playing with Lucy, Paisley, Frank, and Beans!  

Esme's Biggest Fears:  She seems pretty fearless!

Fun Facts:  Esme has perfectly white teeth, enjoys daily dental care, and she smiles!  She will lift her upper lips up and smile with her teeth when she is happy, we have never seen anything like it before! She likes to take great care of her health and is picky about her treats! She LOVES car rides!

Esme is lucky because in her first home, she resided with Edith and Arlo.  Edith and Arlo live only .25 miles away from Esme now...and the three have happily been reunited recently and we are sure that Jan is enjoying the puppy show from up above.  Puppy playdates are her jam!